Here you can see all the medieval manuscripts whose animals feature on this blog. They are organized (roughly) chronologically, from earliest to latest.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 247. England, c. 1110-1130. []

New York, Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.81. Worksop Bestiary. England, c. 1185. []

Bibliothèque Municipale de Troyes, MS 177. De avibus (Hugh of Fouilloy). Portugal (?), last quarter of the 12th century. []

New Haven, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, MS 189. Moralitates de avibus (Hugh de Fouilloy). England, late 12th century. []

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 1462. De medicina ex animalibus (Sextus Placitus). England, late 12th century. []

British Library, Royal MS 13 B VIII. Topographic Hiberniae (Gerald of Wales). England (Lincoln?), c. 1196-1223. []

Aberdeen University Library, MS 24. Aberdeen Bestiary. England, c. 1200. []

British Library, Royal MS 12 C XIX. Bestiary with theological texts. England (Durham?), c. 1200-1210. []

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 1511. Ashmole Bestiary. England (Peterborough?), early 13th century. []

Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, MS 254. Bestiary. England, c. 1220-1230. []

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 764. England, c. 1225-1250. []

British Library, Harley MS 4751. Harley Bestiary. England (Salisbury?), c. 1230-1240. []

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 602. Bestiary. England (St Albans?), second quarter of 13th century. []

British Library, Cotton MS Julius D VII. Miscellany (John of Wallingford). England (St Alban’s Abbey and Wymondham), 1247-1258. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 14429. Bestiary. N France, c. 1250-1260. []

British Library, Harley MS 3244. Theological Miscellany (Peraldus). England, third quarter of 13th century. []

Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, MS Ludwig XV 3. Bestiary / Aviarium (Hugo de Fouilloy). France (Flanders), 1270. []

Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, MS Ludwig XV 4. Bestiarium. France (Flanders?), fourth quarter of 13th century (after 1277). []

British Library, Royal MS 12 F XIII. Rochester Bestiary. SE England (Rochester?), c. 1230-14th century. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 6838b. Bestiary. N France, 13th century. []

Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, MS P.A. 78. Bestiaire (Guillaume le Clerc). France, 13th century. []

Bodleian Library, MS Douce 167. England, third quarter of 13th century. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 3630. Physiologus. England, third quarter of 13th century. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fr. 1444b. Bestiaire (Guillaume le Clerc). France, end of 13th century. []

Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Gl. kgl. S. 3466 8º. Bestiaire (Philippe de Thaon). England, c. 1300. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 10448. Physiologus. Germany (Bavaria), early 14th century. []

British Library, Royal MS 2 B. VII. Queen Mary Psalter. England, c. 1310-1320. []

British Library, Additional MS 28841. Prose Treatise on the Seven Vices (Cocharelli). Italy (Genoa), c. 1330-c. 1340. []

The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, KA 16. Der Naturen Bloeme (Jacob van Maerlant). Flanders, c. 1350. []

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fr. 1951. Bestiaire d’amour (Richard de Fournival). France (Paris), 13th-14th century. []

British Library, Royal 20 B XX. Le Livre et le vraye hystoire du bon roy Alixandre. France (Paris), c. 1420. []

British Library, Sloane MS 4016. Herbal. Italy (Lombardy), c. 1440. []

The Hague, Museum Meermanno, MMW, 10 B 25. France, c. 1450. []

The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, 76 E 4. Der Naturen Bloeme (Jacob van Maerlant). France (Flanders) or Netherlands (Utrecht), c. 1450-1500. []

Copenhagen, Kongelike Bibliotek, Gl. kgl. S. 1633 4º. Bestiary of Ann Walsh. England, 15th century. []

New York Public Library, Spencer Collection, MS 28. Sideribus tractatus (Hyginus), attributed to Francesco Buzzacarini. Italy (Padua), c. 1475-1480. []

The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB, 128 C 4. Le Livre fleurissant en fleurs (Lambert of St Omer). Belgium (Enghien), 1512. []